Thursday, September 11, 2008

All shall love me and despair (Retroactive Post)

I’m not Galadriel, nor do I wield a Ring of Power à la Tolkein. But I’m beginning to think the statement is apt.

One of my coworkers just told me that he likes me. I’ve known this for a while, but it’s never been explicitly said before. And things that aren’t spoken can be ignored. But now this evening over mint tea he said it, said that he’s been in love with me since the moment he first saw me. Which is flattering, but very, very awkward. I told him that I like him very much as a friend, but not as anything more than that. He took it well. I know it can’t be easy to let yourself out so far and then be rejected. And he was obviously disappointed, but quietly so.

I feel bad. I do genuinely like him. Just not in the same way that he likes me. Damn unrequited love. He’d be a good candidate, if I were single and straight. He’s an open-minded Berber atheist who can talk about philosophy, he speaks four languages, he has a good sense of humour, and he’s good-looking as men go. But I’m really not interested. Even if I were single, I’d still have said no.

My life would be so much easier if I were interested in men. There are so many candidates, and if I picked one it would get rid of the competition amongst the others and then maybe I wouldn’t have so many problems because I would be very obviously off the market. It’s hard to keep claiming that I’m not single when I don’t even have a picture to show. (Girlfriend, can I get a picture of you in drag?).

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