Thursday, September 30, 2010

And so, it happens again

I shouldn't be surprised. And really I'm not. I'm just sad.

A college freshman jumped off a bridge, after his roommate posted a video of him making out with another man.

I could say a lot of things here, about stupid people not understanding the potential consequences of their actions, about the complete impropriety of videotaping someone who doesn't know they're being filmed. I could rail about homophobic bastards being cruel, or about people who think homosexuality is just a cheap joke to throw out for an easy laugh. I could get on a high horse and talk about human decency and how it's been lost in the internet age, or I could come up with cheap platitudes about how this should be a lesson to us all to treat each other with kindness.

But none of it would make a bit of difference. Because the kid's already dead.

He's only one of hundreds of gay teens who kill themselves every year. And until our entire society opens its eyes and collectively says "what the fuck are we doing wrong?" it's going to continue.