Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Don't ask, don't tell?

I just read an article stating that the people who originally convened to instate teh "don't ask, don't tell" policy in the military barely even knew what the phrase "sexual orientation" meant when they first started discussing the issue. They came up with the policy in the name of "unit cohesion," the idea that if there were gay people in the military it would make military groups less able to work together, or something like that. That straight people would be squicked out and not want to deal with people who weren't like them.


Of course, nowadays, now that several people have been kicked out of the military for being gay, more are being kept in because it seems like people just don't really care about it any more. One service member announced that he was gay on "60 Minutes" and has had felt no military ramifications whatsoever.


I get the feeling that the more people who die in Iraq, and the more people want to get out of Iraq, the less people will care about who exactly it is that's serving as long as they're doing their job.

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