Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I Love Chiropractors

I finally went and got my back checked out, after several weeks of procrastination, and discovered that I had two pinched nerves in my vertebrae. After a realignment that involved the chiropractor turning me on my side and pretty much doing a jumping Heimlich maneuver to my hips, I felt a lot better. Sore, but better. My back is stiff now, but not painful, which is a marked improvement. Aerial has been good, largely because hanging upside down is therapeutic, but chiropractors are better. I need to start keeping one in my pocket when I travel.

I'm also incredibly happy that the problem has been fixed so easily. After reading up on all the many things that could be causing back pain, from hairline fractures to protruding discs to any number of other icky things, a pinched nerve sounds like a walk in the park. No scans, no surgery, nothing too expensive or time consuming or painful or annoying. Just a few clicks and done. Huzzah.


Ashley H. said...

... Be careful with Chiropractors. The ones who think they can help lower back pain because the lower back has something wrong with it are great. But sadly, every official Chiropractic training involves learning about how one can cure earaches by manipulating the spine. Considering there's no proof they can help earaches by manipulating the spine.... it's a good idea to make sure a chiropractor is reasonably sane before having them violently move your spine.

Serena Fichi said...

Good call. Yeah, I've heard the claims that they can cure blindness and deafness and whatnot...but I really only believe that they can help my back, and that's what I go to them for.