Thursday, February 26, 2009

Food is Out to Get Me

There's the bizarre intolerance of meat-related protein. The periodic random bouts of my-digestive-tract-hates-me that I can no longer attribute to living in Africa. And then I find that some of my favorite sea kittens (ahem, fish) may in fact be trying to poison me in my sleep.

Apparently, dangerous microscopic algae in tropical waters get eaten by little fish, which get eaten by bigger fish, which get eaten by bigger fish, which get eaten by us. And since these little microorganisms contain neurotoxins, they basically result in food poisoning gone horribly awry. I'm envisioning PETA launching a "Revenge of the Sea Kittens" campaign as soon as they get wind of this.

I doubt I'll stop eating sea kittens, because dammit grouper is tasty. But I find it scary that slowly but surely the list of things I'm confident that I can safely eat is becoming narrower. Someday soon I might be reduced to nothing but rice noodles and miso. And on that note...I think it's time for lunch.

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