Friday, February 27, 2009

Homecoming Queen

George Mason University has a homecoming queen. Who happens to be male. I think that this is absolutely fabulous.

It reminded me of a few other articles I'd seen in past years, about gay or transgendered prom kings and queens.

In 2007:

In 2001:

At my high school, something like this would not have happened. At my high school, when I went there, two people of the same sex couldn't even buy homecoming tickets together, let alone be obviously on a date. And while I wasn't aware of my orientation in high school, I did think it unfair that my large group of dateless friends couldn't all get together and buy double tickets. It had nothing to do with gender, back then, and everything to do with economics. Double tickets were cheaper by about ten bucks. But we all bought individual tickets and went as a group and had a fabulous, dateless time.

Things may have changed at my school by now. I don't really know, and I don't particularly care, since I'm no longer there to deal with it. My senior year, someone started a Gay-Straight Alliance. I was already overinvolved and so never went to a meeting, but I was glad that it was there. It might still be there, or it might not. It's someone else's battle to fight, in any case. But it makes me glad to know that somewhere out there, gay teens are visible and making their voices heard.

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